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Copyright © 1996 by Stanley V. McDaniel
(Updated July 10, 1996)
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Recommendation Form Available

The Recommendations from The McDaniel Report have now been placed in a separate file in a form that can be printed out, signed, and sent directly to NASA officials. You can access the form by clicking Recommendations.

UFO Debris, or Hoax?

UFO It is not the purpose of this newsletter to focus on, or discuss generally, UFO issues. However, we have recently learned of a development that may be significant and we felt it is worth conveying to our readers. Metallic debris alleged to be from the UFO crash at Roswell New Mexico has been sent to Mr. Art Bell, host of the Art Bell show. Although our reading of the letter accompanying the debris explaining its origin was that it has the appearance of a hoax, according to Art Bell the metals show characteristics that are extremely unusual and perhaps beyond our technology. The investigation of this material is ongoing. Details are available on the Art Bell page.

Telephone Campaign Urged by Activist

Mr. Patrick Kelly, whose Mars Face bus bench has caused quite a stir (see below), is organizing a call-in campaign. Mr. Kelly has asked that we print the following message, and we are glad to oblige:

Face on Mars Telephone Campaign

Telephone The Face and associated objects have only a moderate to low ranking for high resolution imaging during the Mars Global Surveyor mission -- which means NASA won't try very hard to get these photos. Let's change that. Call the following numbers and insist on the Face (and its vicinity) being given high priority ranking.

Mars Global Surveyor Office, Pasadena CA
Glenn Cunningham, Project Director: 818-354-5319

NASA Surveyor Office, Washington DC
Mary Kaye Olsen: 202-358-0304

House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
Washington, DC: 202-225-6371

Let's light up those boards!

We would like to add this note to Mr. Kelly's suggestion: If you make these calls, reference the recommendations in this newsletter (in the article "Mars Global Surveyor Priorities." We would also appreciate feedback regarding the response to such calls. Contact Professor Stanley V. McDaniel.

Mars Face on Bus Bench by JPL!

In a master stroke of public information, Mr. Patrick Kelly of Arcadia, California has contracted to have the back of a bus stop bench one block from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, emblazoned with an image of the Face on Mars. The message on the bench is a quotation from Representative Robert Roe, Chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology in 1989:

"There do appear to be...a face and pyramids on Mars...fashioned by intelligent beings."

The message will remain on the bench from June 7 to December 7, 1996 and will be visible to JPL employees during the preparation for and launch of the Mars Global Surveyor. We will publish a photo of the bench as soon as one is available.

Mr. Kelly, an activist who participated in the demonstration in front of JPL at the time of the Mars Observer failure, has paid for the considerable cost of this advertisement out of his own pocket. Anyone wishing to contribute to defray a portion of the cost of Mr. Kelly's endeavor may write to Patrick Kelly, 1700 S. Mayflower Ave., Arcadia CA 91006.

New Research Reported by Dr. James F. Strange

Dr. James F. Strange, Professor of Religious Studies and archaeologist, presented the result of his application of archaeological methodology to the question of the Mars anomalies in a paper before the Society for Scientific Exploration at its May meeting in Charlottesville, Virginia (May 23-25 1996). For further information on the Society for Scientific Exploration, link to Dr. Strange's paper is titled "Some Statistical Observations on the Distance between Some of the Mounds at Cydonia."

Dr. Mark J. Carlotto Reports New Research on the Mars Anomalies

Dr. Mark J. Carlotto, whose outstanding work in image enhancement of the Mars anomalies is represented in his book The Martian Enigmas, presented a summary of the current state of Mars anomaly research before the Society for Scientific Exploration at its May meeting in Charlottesville, Virginia (May 23-25 1996). Included in his paper is new research showing similarities in size, orientation, and general morphology of several of the more prominent landforms, including the Face. This latter research is also reported, with accompanying graphic images, in Dr. Carlotto's new web page at

Below is a brief summary of his paper provided for this Newsletter by Dr. Carlotto:

"Three types of evidence are presented which support the hypothesis that the objects in question are artifical...Using a simple probability model and assuming the above sources of evidence are mutually independent we show that a body of evidence exists that strongly supports the hypothesis that these objects are artificial. The alternative hypothesis, that these objects are natural geological formations, is also considered...The presentation concludes with a discussion of possible reasons why this phenomena was originally overlooked and is apparently not being considered seriously by the planetary science community."

Dr. Carlotto's paper includes a mathematical calculation of the probability that some of the Cydonian objects may be artificial, based on the convergence of various pieces of evidence. His calculations indicate a "better than 30 to 1 odds in favor of artificiality." He concludes

"It is thus the quantity and diversity of all the evidence, rather than any one piece, that suggests the possibility that these objects on Mars are artificial. The alternative hypothesis is, of course, that they are simply naturally-occurring geological formations. However no convincing geological mechanism(s) have been put forth that are capable of explaining the diversity of forms, the patterns of organization, and the subtleties in design exhibited by this collection of objects."

Professor McDaniel to Speak at ICAAR Conference

Professor Stanley V. McDaniel, author of The McDaniel Report and editor of the McDaniel Report Newsletter, will be speaking on the topic "The Mystery Deepens: New Discoveries on Mars" at the ICAAR Conference in Sioux Falls, South Dakota on July 27-28, 1996. For a preview, see the article "New Research Suggests Artificiality" in this update.The occasion will be a major gathering sponsored by the International Conference on Alien and Abduction Research (ICAAR). Other speakers will include Dr. John Mack (author of Abduction), John Anthony West (producer of "The Mystery of the Sphinx"), Budd Hopkins (author of Missing Time and Intruder), and many others, some of whom will give personal accounts of abduction experiences. To contact ICAAR telephone (603) 497-2633.

Other Web Pages of Interest

For an account of one individual's results in enhancing and analyzing the Face using software available to anyone, see Chad Vanisko's Web page which went on line May 24. Of special interest is Mr. Vanisko's account of his procedures and software in studying various details of the Face on Mars. Mr. Vanisko began his enhancements by working with previously enhanced images by Dr. Mark J. Carlotto. Preferably one should begin with the original Viking data obtainable from NASA. An excellent account of how enhancement works to improve the viewing characterstics of digital images, is to be found in the book "Unusual Mars Surface Features" by DiPietro, Molenaar, and Brandenburg (see "Where to Get More Information" on our home page).

An article "The Face on Mars" by Malcolm Smith of Canterbury, England has been published in the British magazine Amateur Astronomy and Earth Sciences. This article is an excellent introduction to the subject and is on the Web at The article includes some very fine images, including a color perspective view of Cydonia by Dr. Mark J. Carlotto.

Sculptor Kynthia, whose detailed model of the Face on Mars was described in an earlier edition of this newsletter, has opened a Web site listing a variety of sources for information on Mars anomaly research:

Author and scientist Dr. Brian O'Leary has recently published a new book, Miracle in the Void, which discusses "Free Energy, UFOs and other Scientific Revelations." His book includes numerous references to the Mars anomaly research, as well as a fine collection of photographs of major Free Energy researchers. Also included is a photograph of Professor Stanley V. McDaniel, author of The McDaniel Report, taken at Dr. O'Leary's former residence in Ashland, Oregon. For more information link to

And be sure to check out cartographer Erol Torun's new Web page (mentioned elsewhere in this Newsletter) at This page contains the revised text of Torun's paper, "The Geomorphology and Geometry of The D&M Pyramid."

Second Printing of The McDaniel Report

The first printing of The McDaniel Report is sold out. A second printing has been ordered by North Atlantic Books and should now be available. The second printing will have numerous corrections of typographical errors, and some editing and layout changes. To order The McDaniel Report or see further information on publications by Professor McDaniel, click: Books by Stanley V. McDaniel.

News from Great Britain

There is an active group in the United Kingdom researching the Mars anomalies. This is the "UK Mars Network," which publishes a bulletin titled Mars Results. Issue No. 4, for 1st Quarter 1996, includes a reprint of the article "Mistaken Methodology?" which also appears in this newsletter. In addition, there is an informative article by photographic expert Robert A. Johnston on his study of NASA images cited by Richard C. Hoagland as showing artificial objects on the Moon. Mr. Johnson's evaluation indicates that the "shadow" of the object called the "Shard" is not a shadow at all, and that the reality of the "Shard" is in question. (Other scientists have interpreted the "Shard" as an image defect, and another object, the "Tower" as possibly an ephemeral lunar outgassing.)

A lecture on the Mars anomalies was given by Ananda Sirisena, editor of Mars Results, at a UFO conference in Newcastle on April 6th. Mr. Chris O'Kane, a member of the UK Mars Network, presented an exhibit on the Mars anomalies at the Center for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow, Scotland, from Feb. 3 to March 10. Mr. O'Kane gave a presentation recently on this topic at the Edinburgh Science Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland.

To contact the UK Mars Network, write Ananda Sirisena, P.O. Box 1814, Buckingham MK 18 3ZZ, ENGLAND.